Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!
On behalf of our Chairman, Rev. Dominic Yeo, I’m delighted to inform you that the Global Concert of Prayer (GCOP) is happening this September 16-18, 2024.
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The theme for GCOP 2024 is Advance His Kingdom!
As a global Body, united prayer is an important key to unifying and inspiring us to fulfil the Great Commission – to embrace His Mandate and make it Our Mission.
In the past, GCOP’s 50 hours of continuous united prayer and worship presented by National Councils have tremendously inspired and enriched our global fellowship.
This year, too, we believe in greater passion and in the fire of the Holy Spirit spreading across the nations through the GCOP, especially to fulfil the MM33 Vision.
We look forward to partnering with your nation to Advance His Kingdom.
Should you have any enquiries, please email us at [email protected].
Thank you and God bless.
Rev Michael D.
Chairman, GCOP 2024 Committee
World Assemblies of God Fellowship