Fellowship Overview

The nature of this Fellowship is a cooperative body of worldwide Assemblies of God national councils of equal standing.  It is not a legislative organ to any national entity, but it is rather a coalition of commitment for the furtherance of the Gospel to the ends of the world and thus shall function as a service agent. 


  • To support and encourage one another in the task of missions and evangelism.
  • To promote Christian fellowship and cooperation among Pentecostal and Assemblies of God people throughout the world.
  • To affirm commitment to the Bible as God’s complete and authoritative written revelation to humanity.
  • To bear testimony to the distinctive truths of the full gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • To provide non-legislative means of consultation and cooperation among the member churches, regional councils, and related agencies.
  • To share mutual concerns and insights relating to the various crucial, spiritual, and temporal issues of the Church.
  • To promote ministerial and missionary education with special emphasis on world evangelization.
  • To uphold one another in prayer and administer relief in times of crises.
  • To advance biblical, theological, and moral standards among the members.
  • To promote exchange of personnel in special areas of ministry.

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