Q. Where can I find more information about the World Assemblies of God Fellowship?
A. The World Assemblies of God Fellowship Statement of Faith, in addition to information about its Nature and Function, membership regulations and structure are detailed in the WAGF Constitution and Bylaws.
Q. How do I request membership with the World Assemblies of God Fellowship?
A. The membership process begins with reading, agreeing to, and completing the application form. This form can be submitted via email to:
Rev. Dominic Yeo, Chairman
World Assemblies of God Fellowship
Email: [email protected]
Basic requirements of membership include agreement with the Constitution and Bylaws, Statement of Faith, and the Nature and Function of the Fellowship. Members must also accept responsibility for assisting in the furtherance of the purpose and work of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, which includes financial support with an annual membership contribution. The World AG Fellowship’s Executive Council meets once a year to discuss and review all submitted membership applications. All received applications are sent to their respective regional representatives for insight and recommendations to our Council before the annual meeting.
Membership Documents:
WAGF Application for Membership
WAGF Statement of Faith
WAGF Nature and Function
World Assemblies of God Fellowship Theological Committee
Revised Pentecostal Theology of Compassion (PDF)
Revised Pentecostal Theology of Compassion (Spanish/Espanol) (PDF)
Essential Nature of the Church as the Missional People of God as Reflected in Pentecostal Self-Understanding (PDF)
Essential Nature of the Church as the Missional People of God as Reflected in Pentecostal Self-Understanding (Spanish/Espanol) (PDF)
Redefinition of Marriage and Human Sexuality (PDF)
Redefinition of Marriage and Human Sexuality (Spanish/Espanol) (PDF)
Hyper-Grace Issue Position Paper (PDF)
Hyper-Grace Issue Position Paper (Spanish/Espanol) (PDF)