The WAGF Missions Commission (MC) is the arm of the WAGF that focuses on enlarging the missions vision of the autonomous members of the WAGF. It exists to be of service in any practical way to address the varied needs of different countries and their unique settings. In some countries, that may mean helping with the vision and the early pioneer stages of a sending structure. In others it will be to respond to requests for help in training. Others may desire input on strategy and philosophy. Others may simply wish to share from their unique experiences. The needs and situations in each country are varied and unique. Our commission has many different individuals with unique talents and giftings who can respond to each of those different needs and situations.
The purpose, values, and vision for the WAGF MC is as follows:
1. Purpose
- The WAGF MC exists to serve as a forum to share information and form strategic partnerships among existing and emerging missions networks that will encourage and enable Assembly of God churches everywhere to reach the least reached of our world.
2. Values
- The WAGF MC accepts as Biblical the lostness of humankind aside from hearing and believing in Christ during this lifetime. We affirm the need for all local and national churches to work in mutual respect as together we reach, plant, train, and touch until Christ’s church shall include disciples from among all nations.
3. Vision
- A functioning missions program in every general council.
- A measurable increase in personnel and resources being sent out by the WAGF Member Missions programs, among least reached peoples.
- A measurable increase in the people of God responding to the call of God to least reached peoples both in giving, going, and in praying.
- Strategic partnerships between World Assemblies of God Fellowship and affiliated national churches for the fulfillment of the great commission.
Finally, on this web page we also have many different resources and materials. There are resources for promoting vision in a local and national church. There are resources for national sending structures as they grow and advance. And there are resources for individual countries to measure their advancement and inform us of vital statistics.
If you have any questions, or if we can be of service to you in any way, please feel free to communicate to: [email protected].
Thank you!
John Easter, Missions Commission Chairman
Brad Walz,Missions Commission Coordinator