The Assemblies of God in Ivory Coast has been growing since 1958 through two foreign missions organizations: the Assemblies of God in France (since 1958) and the Assemblies of God of United States (since 1962). The church celebrated its 50th anniversary August 13 – 16, 2009. There are 800 churches, with 750 pastors and more than 1,000,000 adherents. The three main focuses of the church are: Evangelization; Formation (or Training); Mission.
There are approximately 100 students attending the two campuses of the Theological and Pastoral Institute. Pastors receiving training on these have come from several countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Tchad, Congo Brazza, Congo Kinshasa, Gabon, Togo, Benin, Senegal, Ghana, Centrafrique, Londres.
The Assemblies of God in Ivory Coast has sent 12 missionaries to several countries: France, the United States, England, Italy, Guinea, Niger, and Senegal.
Executive Leadership
Rev. Dr. Honoré Daplex Ouenchist
Eglise Evangélique des Assemblées de Dieu de Côte d’Ivoire
26 B.P. 18 Sikense
West Africa
[email protected]